T-Shirt Order!

Out of the Ashes, We Will Rise T-Shirt

Minimum donation of $ 15.00 to show your Wears Valley strength!
All proceeds go to help victims of the fires in Wears Valley.

Dark gray 100 % cotton short-sleeve and long-sleeve t-shirt available.
Front: Smoky Mountain Strong... There Are Angels Among Us
Back: Out of the ashes, we will rise -- Wears Valley Strong! Depicts orange phoenix rising from the ashes.
Please make a minimum donation of $ 15.00 per short-sleeve shirt or $ 20.00 per long-sleeve shirt, but additional donations are appreciated!

Thank you, Imagine It USA, Fleur-de-lis Designs, GSM Outfitters, T-Shirt Supply, The Printers Place, and ET Motorgear for helping with the production and distribution of these shirts!

Short-Sleeve T-Shirt (to be shipped)

Long-Sleeve T-Shirt (to be shipped)

Short-Sleeve T-Shirt (to be picked up)

Long-Sleeve T-Shirt (to be picked up)